Get what you want, every time! Imagine a world where you are offered every job you seek; every business venture you undertake is successful; and every potential customer you approach buys your product. Now imagine that all of this can be achieved—ethically and honestly. All you need is the help of one battle-tested guide, The Influence Game. Former Washington, D.C. lobbyist Stephanie Vance dispenses everything she's learned about effective (and, believe it or not, honest) persuasion. Learn how to apply this power to any situation by using D.C. insider influence strategies and applying a step-by-step, easy-to-understand process for successType your paragraph here.
This book can help
In Citizens in Action, Stephanie Vance, the “Advocacy Guru,” takes the controversial position that it is possible to get heard on the Hill, that not all politicians are corrupt (OK, some are), and that citizens can “get things done” from Washington, D.C. to their city council. Vance’s tips and advice are helpful whether you’re just getting started on an advocacy effort or have been trying to gain the attention of elected officials for years.graph here.
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